Abu Issa Monnie

Issa Monnie was the first male newscaster on TV3. He joined the station at its inception in 1997 as a part-time newscaster and presented the 10pm news on that first day.

He has spent most of his journalism years in radio as a news editor, supervising the coverage of the all-important 2000 elections as it was the first transition from one civilian leader to another.

He also supervised the 2004, 2008 and the disputed 2012 elections which was settled by a Supreme Court verdict. The 2015 Best Television Male Newscaster was also adjudged Best Radio News Editor in 2011 by organizers of the Radio and Television Personality Award (RTP).

He authored his first book titled “Media Freedoms and Laws” in 2014. Abu Issa Monnie holds a B.A. in International Relations and a Post Graduate Diploma in Diplomacy.

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