President of the Association of Ghana Industries (AGI), Dr. Humphrey Ayim Darkeh is urging graduates of Doctor of Business Administration to implement their theoretical knowledge to aid in addressing the country’s economic woes.
He believes the graduates can be change agents in the country if the know-how they have acquired from the institution is applied.
Speaking at the 2022 graduation ceremony Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) as the guest speaker on Saturday, November 26, 2022, Dr. Humphrey Ayim Darkeh said the new graduates have a role to play in resolving the economic challenge.
“Our challenges are daunting…however, our potential to rise and create a better tomorrow is promising. At this point, we need to share the burden of recreating and reconstructing our country again. The opportunities this institution offers are invaluable, and you will agree with me, that you are not leaving today, in the same state of thinking and action that you came. Being the apex of academic study, the title that has been conferred on you today is priceless.”
On a live televised panel discussion recently, a co-panelist, in an attempt to disabuse another’s argument, said… ”we don’t rule a country with theory” to which I argued that the statement was better framed as “we don’t rule a country with theory alone”. The truth is that the theory precedes the practice, and it is from the theory that the mode, process, and success indicators of the practice are crafted.”
“This, I believe, is the part that hinges heavily on you and me…the capacity to intricately blend the theory and practice, as in the hybrid methods approach, irrespective of where we find ourselves, for ultimate economic growth and development. As we have now built on our theoretical knowledge, it is important to employ it in the operation of our daily collective struggles, challenges, strengths and opportunities to make life better for us and for posterity. We probably already are or have now become leaders, path charters, idea hubs and experts in our fields of endeavour. Having now added on, acquired, refined and renewed our knowledge, we have a responsibility to set the agenda and re-engineer the policy formulation and implementation frameworks. Our country is counting on us to burden share and rebuild. We cannot let ourselves and our nation down”.
He added that some necessary steps must be taken by government to address the economic situation of the country.