The General Agricultural Workers Union (GAWU) says the Ministry of Food & Agriculture is evading accountability on its pilot programme, Planting for Food and Jobs (PFJ) market.
The Agric ministry began carting cheap food items to its premises and other vantage points in the country as part of efforts to address the high cost of foodstuff in the country.
The ministry’s PFJ market is aimed at curbing the move by middlemen who have been profiteering resulting in hike in prices of foodstuff.
Speaking to Citi News, General Secretary of GAWU, Edward Karaweh said
government must deal with the incessant hike in fuel prices to curtail the situation.
He said the ministry cannot solely put the blame of high prices of goods at the door steps of middlemen who engage in profiteering.
“Fuel prices are going up almost everyday, transport cost are really high, other cost of goods and services are very high, so its not to suggest that profiteering has been the result of high prices of goods,” General Secretary for General Agricultural Workers Union said.
The Agric Ministry last month introduced the PFJ Market to sell foodstuff to civil servants at the premises of the Ministry at a cheaper cost.
The initiative was extended to other parts of the country including Kumasi, Takoradi, Cape Coast and Koforidua.