The Chairman of the Ghana Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches (GPCC), Greater Accra, Apostle Emmanuel Achim Gyimah has blamed the proliferation of quack pastors on failure of Christendom to unite.
He noted that these false prophets who are gaining root in the country have succeeded in exploiting many people in this generation.
Apostle Achim Gyimah who is also the Kaneshie Area Head of the Church of Pentecost was addressing members of the GPCC Kaneshie Zone on Monday at this year’s GPCC Week Celebration.
“The adage ‘United we stand, divided we fall’ has really affected negatively the growth and development of the Christian Church, especially after the early apostolic Church era.
“The divided Church has opened the door for proliferation of false prophets and quack ministers in our contemporary generation.
“Many Christians will be misled and exploited by false teachers and Prophets.”
Below is his full statement

Today the Christian Church constitutes God’s Prophet to see what God sees and perform God’s will when it comes to elections because it is God who sets up Kings and removes them. Ghana cannot afford to make a mistake with her 70% anointed Christians standing in prayer with oneness of vision and mind before going to the December 7 polls. With unity and prayer, Ghana will surely win this elections with a visionary, credible and competent President to move our dear nation forward.
What happens when Christians fail to unite and seek God’s anointing?
1.0 The example of the Eastern Orthodox Church that split from the Western Orthodox Church, that also led to the conquest of the Byzantine region by the Ottoman Turks, and later the Muslims.
2.0 The adage “United we stand, divided we fall” has really affected negatively the growth and development of the Christian Church, especially after the early apostolic Church era.
3.0 The divided Church has opened the door for proliferation of false prophets and quack ministers in our contemporary generation.
4.0 Many Christians will be misled and exploited by false teachers and Prophets.
5.0 A divided Church cannot enjoy true revival that multiplies growth and development.
2016 GPCC Week Celebration-Kaneshie Zone
Opening Message by the Regional Chairman (Gt. Accra)-
VENUE: The Church of Pentecost-Kaneshie Central Auditorium DATE: Monday, 3rd. October, 2016 @ 6.00pm.
SLOGAN: GPCC! Unity in the Spirit, Amen.
THEME: “Come Holy Spirit, Revive your Church”.
TEXTS: Habakkuk 3:1-2; Acts 4:23-31
Revival, according to a renowned theologian, Rev. Christmas Evans, is: ‘God bending down to the dying embers of His Church and He blowing His fire on them until it becomes a flame for effective and fruitful service’ (emphasis mine).
One of the key aims and objectives of GPCC in Ghana is to create effective fellowship among Pentecostal and Charismatic Churches to activate great revivals that will bring about mighty moves of God to affect the spiritual, political, social and economic transformation of our dear country.
These aims and objectives of the founding fathers of GPCC was crafted upon the high priestly prayer of Jesus Christ before He left His earthly mission for heaven in John 17:21:- “That they (Believers in Him) may all be one”; which also constitutes GPCC slogan (GPCC! Unity in the Spirit, Amen). Prayer is a key factor for the growth of Christianity in Ghana, but I fear if Christians fail to come together for fellowship like this period of our GPCC Week to pray, share fellowship and hear messages from the Ministers in the various Member-Churches then we may ignorantly be found working seriously against our Masters’ priestly prayer in John 17. I wonder why we want Jesus Christ to hear our prayers from His throne room while we fail to comply with His prayer for our unity in His family.
What calls for the need of revival of the Christian Church in Ghana?
1.0 Increased widespread of sin and unchecked corruption in the social fiber of our Ghanaian communities and higher responsible positions of trust: loose morals, sexual sins, pornography, occultism, armed robbery, financial misappropriation and mismanagement even in the Church and governmental institutions etc. Revival brings the fear of God, holiness and obedience to God’s word, that also ignites worship in Spirit and truth.
2.0 Apathy to GPCC fellowship meetings which promote our Unity as the mouthpiece of God in the nation; and even regular Church attendance at our individual local congregations is abysmally low.
3.0 Divisiveness, barriers, self-centeredness and inward looking among many GPCC member Churches that is negatively affecting the unity of our political and social lives as one nation, one people to build a vibrant economy for our up-coming younger generation.
4.0 Proliferation of false prophets and one-man Churches as a means of exploiting immature Christians and the vulnerable people in sin and satanic bondage. Salvation was offered to mankind free by Jesus Christ and, ministry to the unsaved and all who are oppressed by the devil must be free from exploitation.
5.0 The alarming rate of unemployment and under-employment calls for revival and the move of God that brings the anointing for creativity and productivity.
6.0 The fear and panic over Ghanaians in times of general Elections call for revival, God’s presence, peaceful, free, fair and credible elections.
What are the key results of revival in God’s Church?
1.0 When the Holy Spirit comes to spark revival among God’s People, He increases the anointing level of individual believers and the corporate Church by boosting love for righteousness and hatred for iniquity (Heb. 1:9; Eph. 1:3).
Revival activates God’s Kingdom principles of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Rom.14:17).
2.0 The anointing of the Holy Spirit teaches us all things to enhance our knowledge so that members are not deceived (1 John 2:20-27). Here the Apostle John discloses that every born-again believer is anointed contrary to the perception that it is the preserve of special men and women of God.
3.0 The anointing enables us to overcome this world of sin, Satanic oppression, diseases, poverty, death. Yes the anointing breaks every yoke (Isa. 10:37; 1 John 5:4-5).
4.0 The anointing empowers us to preach and teach the gospel to win souls and make them disciples who will stay and grow in the Church.
5.0 Anointing positively affects our businesses, finances, marriages, economic and social lives.
6.0 Anointing positions us to hear and obey God’s word thereby enjoying His presence, protection, and blessings.
7.0 Anointing enables the believer to do greater works for God, even to anoint or elect Kings or Presidents as it happened in the Old Testament. Ghana can only have clean and credible elections when the 70% Christian population pray to see who God has chosen to be the President and Parliamentarians come December 7. Samuel the Prophet was sent to anoint David as King of Israel (1 Sam.16), while Elisha was sent by God to anoint Hazael as King of Syria, and Jehu as King of Israel (1Kings19:15-16).
Today the Christian Church constitutes God’s Prophet to see what God sees and perform God’s will when it comes to elections because it is God who sets up Kings and removes them. Ghana cannot afford to make a mistake with her 70% anointed Christians standing in prayer with oneness of vision and mind before going to the December 7 polls. With unity and prayer, Ghana will surely win this elections with a visionary, credible and competent President to move our dear nation forward.
What happens when Christians fail to unite and seek God’s anointing?
1.0 The example of the Eastern Orthodox Church that split from the Western Orthodox Church, that also led to the conquest of the Byzantine region by the Ottoman Turks, and later the Muslims.
2.0 The adage “United we stand, divided we fall” has really affected negatively the growth and development of the Christian Church, especially after the early apostolic Church era.
3.0 The divided Church has opened the door for proliferation of false prophets and quack ministers in our contemporary generation.
4.0 Many Christians will be misled and exploited by false teachers and Prophets.
5.0 A divided Church cannot enjoy true revival that multiplies growth and development.
May God through Christ prayer unite all the various Christian brands in Ghana to build a glorious Church, and a prosperous country to affect the world is the prayer of GPCC.
By Isaac Essel | |Ghana