A leading member of the Convention People’s Party (CPP) has lashed out at the National Democratic Congress (NDC) for what he considers as a “propangandist” strategy to use his party’s founder to gain sympathy votes.
According to Kwame Jantuah, NDC’s use of Dr Kwame Nkrumah’s voice in one of its campaign advertisements is reprehensible and an affront to Jerry John Rawlings, the living founder of the ruling party.
“It is wrong and I hope the NDC will desist from it,” he said on TV3’s live broadcast of CPP’s 2016 manifesto launch on Saturday.
In a latest campaign advertisement of the ruling NDC, Kwame Nkrumah’s voice – believed to be one of the speeches he delivered in the post-colonial era – is heard lashing out at the then opposition.
“Why will you use Nkrumah’s voice?” Mr Jantuah wondered. “That is even an insult to your party.”

He said what the NDC should be doing is making use of its living founder.
“Don’t use another party’s founder,” he admonished.
He said the move by the NDC smacks of inadequacy ahead of the December 7 elections “because they have no basis or foundation to stand on and they need the CPP”.
“Did Nkrumah and CPP ever accept the IMF? Even with the Akosombo Dam, did we not put our own $500 million into it? Did Nkrumah and CPP fail to plan?”
He called on the NDC to rather ride on their claim of infrastructural development under President John Mahama.
By Emmanuel Kwame Amoh|3new.com|Ghana