The Controller and Accountant General’s Department (CAGD), has announced that effective February 2024, salaries of workers on its payroll who are yet to furnish the department with their NIA numbers will be seized.
This follows a series of meetings with relevant stakeholders which agreed on timelines to ensure special registration for government workers without NIA numbers.
A statement, issued and signed by the Deputy Controller and Accountant-General, Wisdom Komlan Messan, said the NIA has since September 4, 2023, opened its offices nationwide for registration of qualified Ghanaians aged 15 years and above, including the targeted Public Sector Employees on government’s payroll.
The Statement urges staff to take advantage of the ongoing general registration at all 24 NIA offices between now and January to register for their NIA cards, since priority will be given to them at the centers.
This will be the second time in two years that the Controller and Accountant-General has issued such a directive.