One key feature of the city during this rainy season is not just flooding but the huge chunk of waste that hinders smooth flow of the floods across the city.
Accra generates about 2,000 tonns per day from the estimated population of 4,010,054 (2010 census) . It costs the AMA, for instance, over GHS 10 million each month. In 2008, AMA spent 82% of its funds on solid waste management.
A common observation in developing cities worldwide is that they are unable to achieve satisfactory result despite spending most of the municipal funds on waste management. These cities generally suffer from a lack of infrastructure to handling increases in waste generation, resulting in incomplete waste collection. However, that is not the reason hindering the progress towards achieving complete waste collection coverage in Accra. The major reasons are a lack of or late payments and a mechanism to monitor performance of private contractors.
Tonight, Community Connect looks at two issues, the state of waste in our city and how we are managing it.
Are we working to manage this waste? Are you creating waste or minimizing waste? How are we effecting change?
On the Show we hear from a victim of the June 3rd disaster wearing her scars, one year on. What scars do you have from that disaster?
There would also be a special feature on The 3 Foundation tonight. We explore what the MG Groups have up it’s their sleeves.
Tune in to Community Connect at 5.00 pm and make your voice heard.
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