Award-winning radio personality, Blakk Rasta believes that actress Yvonne Nelson is suffering from mental health issues.
He said that she needs all the support she can get because she has been through a lot.
“Every time I read her book, I see a woman who is suffering from mental health issues,” Blakk Rasta said on Accra-based United Television. “She needs our support.”
Blakk Rasta’s comments come after Nelson opened up about her struggles with mental health in her book, “I Am Not Yvonne Nelson”
“I Am Not Yvonne Nelson” is an explosive and riveting account of a young woman who sets out to discover herself, but finds out that she has been living with a false identity
She has been praised for her courage in sharing her story, and Blakk Rasta’s comments echo the sentiments of many who have read the book.