Home Entertainment Bullet says he will move to Nigeria if the government doesn’t change certain laws in Ghana

Bullet says he will move to Nigeria if the government doesn’t change certain laws in Ghana

Bullet says he will move to Nigeria if the government doesn’t change certain laws in Ghana

Interesting times ahead!

Ghanaian artiste manager, Ricky Nana Agyemang, well known as Bullet, has expressed his displeasure in the government of Ghana.

The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Rufftown Records bemoaned over certain laws which are not helping the music business in the country.

He stated that he will move from Ghana and settle in Nigeria if such laws he described as stringent and heart-wrenching are not changed.

 Bullet captioned a screenshot of his earlier post: “Ghana is not a place to operate a record label business and this is very sad. Record labels do not make money from just shows where their artistes are billed to perform, majority of the money comes from endorsement deals.

 “You people are always goofing with your laws. Do you guys have any idea of the devastasting effects of covid-19 on the creative arts. #theydontcareaboutthecreativearts.”

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