Home Featured Empress Gifty happily sings “karma is a b*tch to tease colleagues

Empress Gifty happily sings “karma is a b*tch to tease colleagues

Empress Gifty happily sings “karma is a b*tch to tease colleagues

Gospel musician Empress Gifty Adorye has responded to happenings in her industry with a popular phrase ‘Karma is a b*itch.’

In an Instagram video, the musician seems to be happily composing a new song that teases some people.

 “Karma is b*tch, karma is like DHL, the only thing they need is your address,” she sang while laughing.

She continued “oh karma, right now the industry is pandemic.”

“but still do you know, my name is Mrs Adorye, someone’s heart is aching, you coming to drink blood tonic for long.”

The Gospel music industry has been boiling with controversies; there is Joyce Blessing’s dirty divorce which is being played out in public and then the tussle between Patience Nyarko and Joe Mettle but it is unclear who Empress Gifty is referring to and it has left fans wondering.

However, others also think as a Christian, she should not believe in principles such as Karma which is not part of Christian doctrine.

An Instagram user @nanaamaampofowaa, wrote “Eiii I thought u supposed to pray for ur fellow friend who’s facing crisis not to mock as a revenge ???????… I thought u ppl preach the word of God tru ur songs ooo hmmmmm” and another @abigail.danquah.3382 said “As a Christian, I don’t believe in karma..there is time in everyone’s life ..that there will be trouble and sorrows…Kristonii amane3 d))so”

Watch her video below and share your thoughts with us.

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