Home Education K-Poly students chase SRC executives to account for ‘misused’ monies

K-Poly students chase SRC executives to account for ‘misused’ monies

K-Poly students chase SRC executives to account for ‘misused’ monies

A section of the students holding placards to sum of their grievancesStudents of the Kumasi Polytechnic are demanding accountability from Students Representative Council [SRC] executives who they have accused of mismanagement and misappropriation of funds.

They on Monday morning abandoned their lecture halls to demonstrate in a move to get the executives account for their stewardship, particularly regarding the just ended SRC Week Celebration, which the students say, was poorly organised.

According to them, the SRC leadership “is incompetent” and have been misusing monies collected as SRC dues. Each student of the school, which has a population of about 15,000, pays GHC150 as SRC dues per semester.

“They have wasted our money and misused it. We want them to make account of every single digit [money] they have used,” one of the student demonstrators who claim anonymity told TV3’s Ibrahim Abubakar.


“[The] SRC is misusing our money with their girlfriends. When we came to this school, we saw them, they wore torn chains and all those things but now they are wearing better suits. They’re going to the richest [expensive] restaurants around Kumasi; going around with ladies, spending our money,” the student alleged.

According to the group of students, the current SRC led by Frank Obeng is the worst for the institution since 1957.

The students claim their just ended SRC Week celebration was poorly organised notwithstanding the GHC25,000 budget made available to them. According to them, just a three per cent of the student population were aware and took part in the celebration which lasted three days as against the usual six days

They alleged that the executives promised to buy them assorted drinks including Guinness and Orijin but gave them  only frosty bite ice cream

Again, they claim they were told that Shatta Wale, Stonebwouy and Kwaw Kese were going to be brought to perform at the event but the executives failed to deliver on all that, noting that a limited number of T-shirts were printed which were shared among themselves.

Meanwhile, the school’s administration has intervened to resolve the issues between the students and the SRC executives. The executives are currently said to be in Tarkwa where they are attending a programme.

By Stephen Kwabena Effah|tv3network.com|Ghana
Twitter @steviekgh

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