Home Education Over 13,000 teachers to get their salary arrears in June

Over 13,000 teachers to get their salary arrears in June

Over 13,000 teachers to get their salary arrears in June

TeacherA total of 13,268 teachers across the country will from June receive their outstanding salaries that have delayed for the last two years.

It follows an agreement reached between the government and the various stakeholders on April 28 for the payment process to begin. The agreement was reached after the validation of the employment documents of the affected teachers in April this year.

‘‘The last time stakeholders met, the agreement was that steps should start for their payment in June,” the General Secretary of the Ghana National Association of Teachers David Ofori Acheampong told 3FM 92.7.

“We agreed that because of the closeness of time, all paper works should be done in May and send to the Controller and Accountant Generals Department for audit .It was not possible for the process to be completed in five days so we agreed in June,” he said.

Out of the 29,000 teachers whose documents were validated as of April this year, over 16,000 of the them had queries.

Mr. Ofori Acheampong has thus directed the over 16,000 teachers who had queries with their documents to visit the Ghana Education Service website for guidance on how to proceed. He was, however, unable to tell when the exercise will be completed.

“Well, it is going to be difficult to say when exactly the exercise will be completed. Those 16,000 who had queries are now making corrections on their forms. So it’s going to be quiet difficult,” he said

The validation exercise, which is being undertaking by Audit Department and the Controller and Accountant General’s Department, was suspended in April due to various reasons including financial constraint and venue for the exercise.

Currently, the team has resumed its work at the offices of the State Enterprise Commission in Accra.

Sarah Parku|3FM 92.7|3news.com

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