Effective Living Series: 7 keys in securing your financial future in turbulent times

On this version of Citi FM and Citi TV’s Effective Living Series, a Financial Consultant and Executive Coach, Crescendo Consult Limited, Doris Ahiati, advised Ghanaians to invest heavily in order not to be found wanting during turbulent days.

According to her, being solely dependent on friends, colleagues, families and jobs have the tendency of sending people into financial crisis.

The Financial Consultant and Executive Coach, Crescendo Consult Limited urged Ghanaians to have the ‘ifs’ at the back of their minds that their dependent or support networks are susceptible to falling sick, broke or losing their jobs.

She further encouraged Ghanaians to seek some education in financial literacy.

Discussing the topic, “Securing your financial future in turbulent times” on Citi TV and Citi FM, with host Bernard Avle, Madam Doris enumerated the following 7 key points Ghanaians can fall on to secure their finances.

Maintaining your sanity: It’s important that you guard and maintain your sanity during turbulent times because it is your mental capacity and resourcefulness that help you to create solutions.

Having long-term plan/flexibility: There is the temptation in times like this, where people prioritise their choices based on the present, forgetting that they will be alive tomorrow. Don’t shelve your long-term plans. If it’s an investment you were contributing towards your retirement plan, don’t halt it just because we are in turbulent times. Keep going with your long-term goals, depending on the circumstances.

Focus on possibilities in a continuous way: In times like this, there is a lot of turbulence, and we can’t see our way too clearly, don’t stop. One action taken will help you to see so much. List all the possibilities and choose the one best for you.

Investing in people: Ensure to make some impact on the people around you. Build friendships, so that on the days you are cash-trapped, you can fall on them for food or financial support.

Investing in your health: Try to invest in yourself and your health, whatever funds you have, you are going to spend it anyway, so spend it in a way that generates dividends for you in the area of your health so that when you are sick tomorrow, you can use the money to pay hospital bills.

Being curious/contributions: Be curious to know and tap into the opportunities in your environment. Call for help when need be.

Portion control: Obesity is on the ascendancy, control the portion of food you eat.