Home News Hundreds flee from attack in Northern Region

Hundreds flee from attack in Northern Region

Hundreds flee from attack in Northern Region

The boundary dispute led to the death of one person and burning of dozens of house in Sayeegu SundayHundreds of residents of Najong Number one in the Bunkpurugu-Yunyoo District of the Northern Region have fled the community following threats of attack on their lives.

The people of Najong are said to be sympathetic to one of the two feuding factions – Tamon and Baok communities – over a land dispute that sparked a conflict Sunday morning resulting in the death of one person and burning of houses in Sayeegu.

According to the people, they received messages on Monday that the people of Bimbagu, who are sympathetic to the Tamon, were planning to launch an attack on their lives.

They have thus fled to other neighbouring communities within the area to seek refuge until the tension is calmed, the District Chief Executive, Sampoa Timothy Laari has confirmed to TV3.

” I had several calls last night from residents about a plan by the people of Bimbagu to attack Najong and we did not sleep the whole night. People were packing their belongings and leaving,” he said.

He told TV3 he would this morning visit the area to meet with the assembly members of Bimbagu and Najong in a bid to resolve their differences to forestall any attack

Sympathizers of the Chiefs of Tamong and Baok,  Batikpolo Single and Pakabiuk Loaka respectively, have been up against each other as a result of a land boundary at Sayeegu which is being claimed by the two chiefs.

By Zubaida Ismail|tv3network.com|Ghana

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