How to get rid of chubby cheeks and lose facial fat

Many of you may envy Angelina Jolie for her perfectly sculpted cheekbones or Johnny Depp for his sharply defined jaw line. This is not to...

How to stop lying to yourself

Newly divorced, Eleanor Bain thought she’d finally met the man of her dreams. She was in a new city, looking for a new job...

Can’t sleep? How to beat insomnia

I don’t remember having trouble sleeping – until my late teens. There was no grand trauma, no “aha” moment to pinpoint when my sleep...

Thousands strip nude in UK for human art installation

They came, they stripped, and they dyed themselves blue – and all in the name of art. The streets of Hull were transformed into an ocean...

Feeling gloomy? Veges can lift your spirits

Feeling gloomy and need a lift? Forget that expensive bottle of wine - just munch on a cheap cabbage. It has long been known that...

The Wahala of a Ghanaian Man

A couple of weeks ago Father's Day was celebrated so loud in silence as done year after year. Fathers' seem to have been taken...

7 Amazing Uses for Aloe Vera

An aloe vera plant can add a lovely touch of green to any office or home. But did you know that your favorite potted...

Can men and women be just friends? Get answers you didn’t expect

Since as long as we can remember, society has told us that men and women are supposed to be together. So can they really...

This Is What Will happen when you drink coconut water for a week

1. You’ll Strengthen Your Immune System Daily consumption of coconut water has the ability to strengthen your immune system. It also has the ability to...

Playing card games aids stroke recovery

Playing simple card games, such as snap, can help stroke patients with their recovery, say Canadian researchers. The scientists found it improved patients' motor skills. Playing...

11 Beauty Uses for Lemons

You might love lemonade and lemon chicken, but your skin and hair love lemons even more—they have an amazing range of beauty benefits. Here...

Office cake culture is ‘danger to health’

Having cake at work to celebrate colleagues' birthdays, engagements or just surviving the week is a danger to health, a senior dentist argues. Prof Nigel...

Swedish footballer sent off for farting during match

A Swedish footballer has hit out after being sent off for breaking wind during a match – with the referee accusing him of “deliberate...

German schools to teach adult toys, oral and anal sex

Anal sex practices, sadomasochism and adult sex toys should become known to German pupils through “theatrical performance,” lectures or workshops, according to teaching materials...

Revealed! What men want in a woman

Most women assume that great looks is all that matters to make a guy swoon and fall head over heels in love. And quite...