Come December 7th every Ghanaian would be expected to perform their civic responsibility. Vote for who they deem fit to spearhead the affairs of this nation. Who would Ghanaians vote for and why would they choose him?
With the elections euphoria at its peak, sit with the boys one Friday night, over a few bottles of beer and after the usual gossip about whose chick is the finest and who’s got the most tremendous ride, the discussion most often trickles down to politics. Which party is better? Which government did what? Which party is the most corrupt; most competent and incompetent? It goes on and on. Most Ghanaians exude so much love for their respective parties. Be it an everyday round table discussion among guys or enthused party faithfuls at a campaign rally, the love is like an obsession. It’s unexplainable and uncontrollable.
However, what is the basis of this love? Imagine growing up in a home where your father or mother associates with party X or Y and he or she continuously propounds or upholds party X in high esteem. More often than not party X automatically rubs off on the child, hence, the child grows up to love the party passionately for no particular reason. But trust them to passionately form their concrete, ‘unbiased’ reasons later.
Two kids below the ages of 8 were seen playing. While playing, an interesting discussion started. One was supposedly in support of the umbrella whereas the other was in support of the elephant. Their argument was simple: “You keep liking the elephant and when it rains, then you’ll see,” said one of the kids. The other, quickly replied, “What would you do when you want to travel a long distance and you don’t have a car?” It’s these innocent discussions that grow into jaw-dropping arguments at the beer bars.
Ever heard people say, ‘I was born into the party?’ how does one disassociate with something he or she believes to have been born into? This manner of thinking does not lead to growth and progress. In fact, it leads to chaos and anarchy. It leads to the winner-takes-all syndrome, square pegs in round holes, favoritism and nepotism.
Without a doubt, that pattern of thinking does not breed unity which most Ghanaians take so much pride in.
Some pastors have openly endorsed certain parties while some chiefs take sides. Some employees have been dismissed from their jobs for openly supporting a particular party whiles some parents indoctrinate their children to toe the line.
Who are you voting for and for what reasons?
By Ayerkie Narnor|3news.com|Ghana