Dalex CEO wins Best Businessman of the Year award

Mr Ken Thompson
Mr. Ken
Mr. Ken Thompson

Chief Executive Officer of Dalex Finance Mr Ken Thompson has won the Business & Financial Times (B&FT) Ghana Economic Forum (GEF) Businessman of the Year 2016 Award.

The award is in recognition of his excellent performance in the financial landscape of Ghana.

The B&FT GEF maiden Excellence Awards 2016 took place in Accra at the end of the fifth GEF on the theme: “A Ghanaian-owned economy – setting the agenda for achieving it.”

Dalex Finance is a Ghanaian non-bank financial institution, licensed and regulated by the Bank of Ghana and has been around since 2006.

Other distinguished personalities who were honoured at the event include Mr Mike Nyinaku, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of BEIGE Capital – Entrepreneur of the Year; and Kate Papafio of Reroy Cables – Businessman of the Year.

Unilever was adjudged winner of the Business with a Conscience Award, while the Business Pioneer of the Year Award went to Databank, the Business of the Year Award also went to Fidelity Bank.

Mrs Edith Dankwa, the CEO, B&FT, said the award was part of their contributions of ensuring a better Ghana for posterity.

She said the maiden award, which was in six categories would be expanded in subsequent years to cover other areas of the economy.

Mr Vish Ashiagbor, Country Manager of Price Waterhouse and Coopers (PWC), whose organization facilitated the selection of the award winners, said they were passionate about growing local businesses and local capacities.

An elated Mr Thompson, expressed his profound gratitude to the organizers of the event for the honour done them.

He said the award would go a long way to inspire them to work hard for the good of mother Ghana; stating that Dalex Finance had offices nationwide.

Source GNA

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