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The Upper East Regional Health Directorate has issued a 31st December deadline to 25 doctors, who are said to have ignored postings to the region. Though there have been assurances of incentives, these doctors – made up of 24 medical officers and a dentist – have refused to report to duty. It is unclear what the reason may be but our...
Chief of Staff Mr. Julius Debrah has ordered the Attorney General to retrieve a total of GHC1.9 million from the private company which handled the controversial rebranding of some 116 Metro Mass Transit buses. It emerged two weeks ago that the government spent an outrageous GHC3, 649, 004 from the Ghana oil funds to re-brand the 116 buses; something...
Former Commissioner of the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ) Justice Francis Emile Short has commended the Minister of Transport, Dzifa Aku Attivor, for resigning in the wake of the public furore over the GH¢3.6 million metro mass transit bus rebranding deal. “Her decision to resign is commendable,” Mr Short said on TV3’s News 360 on Wednesday, December...