The president of Rugby Association (GRA) Herbert Amponsah Mensah has on behalf of the Ghana Rugby Football Union (GRFU) sent felicitations to Muslim brothers and sisters in Ghana and across the world as they celebrate Eid El-Fitir (the Festival of Fast-Breaking).
A statement issued in Accra on Wednesday, July 6, 2016, Mr. Mensah said the occasion ushers in a period a deeper spiritual awakening and tolerance among all of God’s children/servant who share the common citizenship and ownership of this earth.
The statement further asked that this period of Ramadan lead all to reach out to what is best for members of the human race.
“May Allah accept your acts of worship and sacrifices and may his peace and mercy reign among all the nations of the earth. This prayer is particularly relevant in a time of great confusion and distress in the region that gave birth to the three Abrahamic faiths (Judaism, Christianity and Islam).” The statement said.
Below is the full statement
Eid Mubarak
As our Muslim brothers and sisters in Ghana and across the world celebrate Eid El-Fitir (the Festival of Fast-Breaking).I pray that this occasion ushers in a period a deeper spiritual awakening and tolerance among all of God’s children/servant who share the common citizenship and ownership of this earth. May this period lead us to reach out to what is best best in us as members of the human family. May Allah accept your acts of worship and sacrifices and may his peace and mercy reign among all the nations of the earth. This prayer is particularly relevant in a time of great confusion and distress in the region that gave birth to the three Abrahamic faith(Judaism, Christianity and Islam).
In the past weekalone, there have been bomb blast in Medina(in the Prophet’s mosque),in Baghdad, in Yemen and other places in the Middle East. I pray for Allah to bring about peace in the all the countries of the world and among all people regardless of race,religion,geographic and status.
Indeed, Islam established the equality of all men(and women) and the sanctity and inviolability of their lives.
Quran 49:13 “O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted.”
Quran 6:151:”and do not kill a soul that God has made sacrosanct, save lawfully.”(ie .murder is forbidden but the death penalty imposed by for crime is permitted ).
Prophet Mohammed himself gave a constitution to the people of Madina-written in the year 630CE- was very unequivocal in granting and protecting the right of the Jews ,Christians and other religious minorities who lived in Madina, for instance:
Article 20 of the Constitution of Madina read:
Non-Muslim minorities (Jews) have the same right of life protection(like Muslims).A Jew, who obeys us(the state) shall enjoy the same right of life protection as the believers do),so long as they (the believers are not wronged by him(the Jews),and he does not help (others) against them.
Article 30 reads:
Guarantee of freedom of religion for both the Muslim and non-Muslim minorities(the Jews)
The Jews of BanuAwf(non-Muslim minorities) shall be considered as a community along the believers. They shall be guaranteed the right of religious freedom along with the Muslims. The right shall be conferred on their associates as well as themselves except those who are guilty of oppression or the violators of treaties. They will bring evil only on themselves and their family.
The Hadith of the prophet reads, “None of you is truly faithful,until he wishes for brother (neighbor ) ,what he wishes for himself”.
Article 62:
All peaceful citizens would be in a safe and secure protection.
Verily, whoever goes out (on a military expedition) shall be provided with security and whoever stays in Madina shall have(likewise,except those who commit oppression and violate the contents of this constitution).
These are the standards that the prophet and founder of Islam set with regards to peaceful coexistence with people of other faith.
The Prophet of Islam in his lifetime wrote a letter to the Christians of his time , the original of which can be found in the Topkapi Museum in Turkey.I produce the content theletter below
“This is a message from MuhammedibnAbdullah ,as a covenant to those who adopt Christianity, near and far, we are with them. Verily I ,the servants, the helpers, and my followers defend them, because Christians are my citizens; and by Allah! I hold out against anything that displeases them.
No compulsion is to be on them. Neither are their judges to be removed from their jobs nor their monks from their monasteries.
No one is to destroy a house of their religion ,to damage it, or to carry anything from it to the Muslims’ house. Should anyone take any of these, he would spoil God’s covenant and disobey His Prophet. Verily, they are my allies and have my secure charter against all that they hate.
No one is to force them to travel or to oblige them to fight. The Muslims are to fight for them. If a female Christian is married to a Muslim, it is not to take place without her approval. She is not prevented from visiting her church to pray.
Their churches are to be respected. They are neither to be prevented from repairing them nor the sacredness of their covenants. No one of the nation(Muslims) is to disobey the covenant till the Last Day(end of the world).”
Similarly, Umar IbnKhatab-The second Caliph of Islam- in the year 638CE made a pact with the Christians of Jerusalem, who were under the leadership of Patriarch Sophronius,the chief magistrate for the surrender of the city, part of which read;
“This is an assurance of peace and protection given by the servant of Allah Omar, Commander of the Believers to the people of Illia(Jerusalem).He gave them an assurance of protection for their lives ,property, churches and crosses as well as the sick and healthy and all its religious community. Their churches shall not be occupied, demolished nor taken away wholly or in part. None of their crosses nor property shall be seized. They shall not be coerced in their religion nor shall any of them be injured.”
May Allah accept our fast, sacrifices and all other acts of worship, may he strengthen our resolve to do good to our fellow human beings, may he increase understanding and cooperation among and between all the nations and religions of the world ,may we be true agents of peace on Gods earth and May Allah be pleased with us.
Eid Mubarak!!!
Source: 3news.com