Jessica Kassah Initiates ‘Before Independence’ Memes Trend

Put aside any thoughts of being a meme god or thinking Facebook isn’t fun – it’s actually a treasure trove of laughs with tons of hilarious memes. Jessica Kassah, an alumna of the Ghana Institute of Journalism, started a big meme trend on Sunday, March 3, using the hashtag “Dress like a Bible character,” and it basically took over Facebook for the entire day.

Now, in celebration of Ghana’s independence, the theme is “Ghana Before Independence,” bringing a bunch of really funny memes! If you’re up for a good laugh, hop onto Facebook and check out Jessica Kassah’s clever posts and memes.

Just so you know, this is only one of the many trends she’s started on the platform, and there’s a lively group of comedians adding to the funny side of Facebook.
Dive into some of today’s memes below and enjoy the good vibes:

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