“Jess do yawa by apologizing” – Sister Derby on the Omah Lay concert dance

Musician Deborah Vanessa, also known as Sister Derby, is disheartened by Jess, the girl who gained attention for dancing with Omah Lay, offering a public apology.
Jess, aka Jessica Ani, shared part one of her apology on TikTok on Sunday, February 25. In her explanation, she revealed that she had previously discussed the possibility of going on stage with her boyfriend’s approval and bought the tickets herself. Despite this, she publicly apologized to her boyfriend, admitting her mistake.

Sister Derby reacts to Jess’ apology, asserting that an apology was unnecessary, especially since their relationship hasn’t progressed to marriage. Derby points out the double standard, noting that men often cheat publicly without taking responsibility or apologizing, making Jess’ apology a significant misstep in her opinion. Derby speculates that Jamaicans, known for their bold on-stage performances, might find amusement in this situation.


Derby’s opinion, however, sparks backlash from those who disagree with her stance.

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