One injured in two-storey building collapse


A two-storey building collapsed Wednesday afternoon injuring one person at Berekusu in the Eastern Region.

The building has been under construction for about seven years, has learnt; it was being put up for a shopping mall.

Stunned owner of the property, Justina Donkor told TV3’s Daniel Lartey structural engineers have assessed it more than once and approved that it was strong.

She therefore appeared befuddled how part of the building will suddenly fall without any external force.

According to her, she herself and workers have been “climbing up and down” the structure almost everyday without an inkling of any defect.

Madam Donkor was grateful to God that the unfortunate event occurred at a time when there was only one worker on site.

The injured worker has been treated and discharged from hospital for someone wounds on his legs, she stated.


Story by Isaac Essel | | Ghana

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