GII lauds UK Gov’t for Anti-Corruption Summit

Anti-corruption summit

The Ghana Integrity Initiative (GII) has commended the UK government for organizing the Anti-Corruption Summit to address major issues on corruption and how to combat it.

Programmes Manager of the Ghana Integrity Initiative, Mary Awelana Addah, told 3FM that the initiative is important in the fight against corruption in Africa and the world at large.

The summit, the first of its kind, seeks to step up global action to expose, punish and drive out corruption in all walks of life. It has brought together world leaders, business and civil society to agree on a package of practical steps to fighting the canker.

“We would want to commend the British government for initiating this process even though we’ve had other process in the past that have led to the development of various laws to combat corruption this is novel because it is bringing together leadership to think about the various effort they have put in place so far to fight corruption and to also to make commitment as to the way forward for fighting corruption”Ms Addah .

She further indicated that the fight against corruption requires leadership and political will on the part of leaders before it could be addressed.

“The fight against corruption is everybody’s responsibility but let also acknowledge that we need leadership in this fight to be able to successful. We all need to contribute our quota but when we don’t have the commitment of leadership, political will as we refer to it we cannot win this fight against corruption”

Mary Awelana also acknowledged that Ghana has made some progress towards its fight against corruption in recent years.

Collins Essuman|3FM 92.7|

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