Former UFC champion Francis Ngannou shared the heartbreaking news of his 15-month-old son Kobe’s passing on Monday.
Confirming earlier reports on social media, Ngannou expressed the profound loss, writing: “Too soon to leave but yet he’s gone. My little boy, my mate, my partner Kobe was full of life and joy. Now he’s laying without life. I shouted his name over and over but he’s not responding. I was my best self next to him and now I have no [clue] of who I am. Life is so unfair to hit us where it hurts the most. How do you deal with such a thing? How can you live with it? Please help me if you have an idea because I really don’t know what to do and how to deal with this.”
Ngannou sought advice from his followers on how to cope with the loss, as the circumstances surrounding Kobe’s death remain unclear. His coach, Eric Nicksick, also reached out for support on social media, asking followers to keep Ngannou and his family in their hearts during this difficult time.
— Francis Ngannou (@francis_ngannou) April 29, 2024https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js